Citronné Tart

Crystal, Malboro

Name: Citronné Tart
(Formerly known as Citronné de Dzemael.)
Nickname: Citron
Age: 32-36
Date of birth: 23rd Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Race: Elezen, Wildwood/Duskwight
Height: 203 cm
Sexuality: Pan
Pronouns: He/Him
Ancient name: Adonis
Main jobs
Post HW: RDM

Born as the only child to the head of house Dzemael Citronné had a very sheltered upbringing that was mostly focused on being raised to become the next head of the house. Thankfully his childhood wasn't all that lonely as he grew up befriending Carvallain, Stephanivien and Haurchefant even if his mother was strongly against associating with anyone from house Fortemps and Haillenarte.
Even with his mother being a strict and bitter woman that showed him nothing but tough love, his childhood wasn’t all that bad thanks to the many kind servants that took care of him and the many parties that he attended mostly out of obligation. He had a easy childhood and would obey the majority of his mothers instructions since it meant that he could continue to live a carefree and comfortable life.But that façade soon came crumbling down and all he once knew changed when he reached the age of 18 where he found out about who his actual father had been. He'd happened to overhear some servants gossiping while he was sneaking back inside from having snuck out to meet his friends at night. The now dead man who he’d thought for years was his biological father, the previous head of house Dzemael had never been able to provide children. His mother had upon that realization decided to have an afair with one of the servants of house Dzemael in secret. All in order to unsure that she'd continue to be the lady of the house by provide an heir. Finding out about this he confronted his mother about it and she reluctantly confirmed the rumors after he demanded to know the truth.On the night of his 25th birthday he had decided to abandon his role as the head of house Dzemael tired of the lies and rumors surrounding him and his mothers actions. He wasn’t willing to continue life the way he had been, blindly obeying every order from his mother just to spend the rest of his life rotting away as a Ishgardian noble blindly obeying orders. The boat he snuck aboard on from Ishgard arrived in Limsa and he was later recruited into Carvallains crew. Finding out that one of his childhood friends that were presumed dead actually had been alive all this time brought nothing but joy and gave him hope that he too could live a life he’d be happy with.He'd spent many years out at sea before his journey as the warrior of light began, much to his displeasure.